Saturday, October 3, 2009

Loneliness is killing me..

When I look out of the window I find a very strange world,
a world that never stops,
a world that’s alive in the day and raves up in the night,
there are people everywhere but this loneliness is still killing me.

What a contrast it is,
even the sky is also splashed with so much of silver
but still it looks beautiful,
may be that is the reason which dwindles my loneliness
and keeps me alive,
but the stars cannot hold my sorrow forever.

Infection spreads and it spreads worse than ever
when the atmosphere is also infectious,
this loneliness of the inner is also growing
and is growing faster than ever in this selfish world.

It’s just a matter of time when everyone realizes that
this loneliness is killing all except me,
because I am already dead,
this loneliness has killed me.

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