Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Two days back two-three puppies were sleeping in front of my car; to be precise just under the tyres.

This was not some random sleeping, it was a sort of bed for them from the last one month since the time they were born. Due to winters some ladies in the society made their bed in the shelter of my car. We used to take care of them daily that no mishap happens.

But two days back all of a sudden we made a plan to go out for dinner. We stepped out of the house and I couldn't see anything in the side of my car, so I just sat on the seat and pulled the gear. By the time I just turned my car one puppy went screaming badly. I stopped. He was limping. Then I saw back and I found one puppy was ran over by the tyre and was bleeding profusely. I jumped out of the car and he was breathing his last. He died in a minute or two.

Grieved by the sense of carelessness I made we didn't go out anywhere. And none of us had anything in the dinner.

The drama started around 12 AM, I went out to see the puppy. His sibling just ran from far away and started pulling the corpse. I felt even more grieve struck. He was probably trying to wake him up. Then I realised that now he had started tearing him apart. He vigorously started to skin him off. I understood what would happen now. Half an later I went out again and the skin was gone from the head side.

Next morning I woke up to see no corpse anywhere in the society. The society people were also surprised to not find the body anywhere.

Needless to say the siblings and the mother enjoyed the feast that night when I was fasting and mourning.

To conclude I would say I followed human instinct and they followed animal instinct.

PS. One day before this incident happened AVNI, my daughter had asked me Papa can a mother dog eat her own puppies..!!